Two board games about the situation of the pig sector in the region of Osona, in Catalonia. The games aim to generate a space of rapprochement, information and discussion that allows open debate on a complex, delicate issue with a great environmental and social impact.
The work is part of Do it Together project curated by Gloria Picazo for Arts Santa Mònica in Barcelona and has been carried out by a group of students of the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de Vic; Erica Erra, Berta Sillero, Agustín Medina, Manel Catllà, Cristina Torras, Cristina Martínez, Lorena Prat, Quim Sosa and the teachers Ferran Blancafort and Carmen García.
The games were made thanks to the collaboration and selfless help of a large number of people and organizations involved in this sector from very different perspectives and positions. Effusive thanks to all of them.
The project participates in the program Hibridacions i Contextos. |